
Open Studios is

celebrating its

27th anniversary!

August 23-24, 2025

Once again, this year, there will be a "VIRTUAL VIDEO PRELUDE," and images of each participating artist will be online and presented in video at the Artists’ Coalition Gallery for a month before the main event!

Artwork by Deborah Mechigian

Photography by Chuck Claude

The 27th Annual Flagstaff Open Studios is August 23-24, 2025

The participation of any artist in Open Studios is at the discretion of the ACF Board of Directors. All active and military veterans can participate in the event for free.

Please contact Executive Director Mike Frankel for details and/or questions regarding the application process.




Rules & Regulations

I understand I must be a “current” member of ACF to participate in the FOS tour. If I have not paid my annual dues for the year, I am including them in this application as a separate payment with the form provided. I understand my application and fees are only for my participation. I will only host artists who are current ACF members and who have registered and paid to participate.

Not a member? Join here

I understand that no other artist can display and/or sell work at my studio who has not paid the FOS participation fee and that no outside solicitation for any cause may be done without prior notification and consent of the ACF Board of Directors.

I will open and close my studio on time. I know that I am to be present and open to the public for the entire tour on Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 5pm each day.

I understand my studio is my own responsibility.The Artists Coalition of Flagstaff is not responsible for stolen items, damage or injuries incurred on my property and I understand there is no insurance provided by The Artists’ Coalition of Flagstaff.

I understand if I am only showing my art and not doing a demo, that I will have my tools of the trade or photos of the art process available to the public to view.

I will represent The Artists’ Coalition of Flagstaff in a professional manner and support the ACF mission and goals.

I understand that if I submit images for the online/print guide, they may or may not be used. If used, I give full permission to print and electronically publish them. There will be a guide available with a map and the usual preview images and descriptions of your artwork and directions to your location, located at flagstaff-arts.org and available for download by all. There will be hard copies available at the ARTISTS' COALITION OF FLAGSTAFF GALLERY at the Flagstaff Mall and many locations throughout the greater Flagstaff area and beyond.

I understand that if I do not have studio space available, I can be located at another artists’ studio and the ACF will facilitate.

Special Covid-19 Precautions

If applicable at the time of the Event:

Each individual location on the Flagstaff Open Studios tour will be responsible for Covid-19 safety

precautions in line with CDC guidance in effect at the time of the event.

Social Distancing, sanitizing and mask wearing will be subject to the safety and comfort level of the

artist(s) at each location. Prepackaged food snacks and sealed bottled beverages are suggested if you

wish to serve refreshments.




Artist APPLICATION FLAT Fee: $85.00

Deadline: 11:59 PM June 1, 2025


***AFTER submitting your application***

Please upload up to 10 additional images for the "Virtual Video Prelude" that will be displayed online and at the Artists’ Coalition of Flagstaff Gallery approximately 1 month before Flagstaff Open Studios.

The deadline for the Virtual Video Prelude image submission is 11:59 PM July 15, 2025.